Antique Traps

White Mountain Trappers: The Lynx of the Notch

Meandering through the notches and scenic byways in the shadow of the White Mountains gives one time to reflect, ponder, and envision what life would be like in such a remote area. Its hard to imagine that the once pristine and vast wilderness of the Whites (now heavily laden with tourists and recreationalists of all stripes) was once home to many a die-hard yankee - living off the land and its self-reliant spoils.

The Gabry Bionic Killer

The Gabry Bionic Killer

In the late 1980’s and 90’s, with mounting pressure from concerned members of the public, studies were performed to scientifically measure the efficiency and humane dispatch methods of many lethal traps on the market. The Bionic Killer excelled dramatically for Fisher and Marten...