Opinion / Editorial

Just ban it all: California’s latest “fix” for invasive nutria

The state is already seeking to ban the primary mode of “dealing” with the nutria issue (trapping), and is now on a warp-speed course to remove all incentive for anyone to trap the animals in the future (via a fur usage ban). Since the state has done such a “bang-up job” of banning two primary modes of helping to control the persistent fur-bearing rodent, the only thing left to do is ban the craftily little unwanted guests themselves.

Hard truths about Hunting, Activism, and Wildlife Conservation

A few years ago I was asked how I thought we could get more people interested in conserving land and water, and my answer was simple. Teach them to hunt, fish, and trap. Give people an activity which intimately connects them to these resources, and then give them a place to do it.

NH Fish & Game: Tied to the Whipping Post

With the greater hunting & fishing community leading the “financial charge” to manage and conserve wildlife for all stakeholders, the selfish perpetuation of moral superiority seems to be the driving force for local activists - shaking their fists at the hunting community and real wildlife professionals while damning the human race for ever setting foot off the designated hiking trails.

Letter: How HSUS spends its money

The following letter was recently written by long-time sportsman’s advocate and conservationist William Carney. The following letter appeared in the April 16th editorial/opinion section of the Concord Monitor - a New Hampshire-based newspaper. Bill’s letter is reposted here, with his permission, in its full and uncut entirety. Readers of the Furbearer Conservation blog are encouraged to draw their own conclusions from the content of this letter.

NYC Fur Ban: The hornet's nest that needed a good kicking

Its not just backwoods fur trappers supporting the fur industry. As the NYC fur ban really started to heat up last month, folks from all walks of American life came out to fight the proposal.