Hunting ethics

Conservation Researchers: hunting bans imperil biodiversity

New writings published in the Science Journal urge governments and policymakers to take account of these findings in the face of high-profile emotionally-driven campaigns that call for bans on the regulated hunting of abundant species.

A future up for grabs: Have you taken the Hunting Pledge?

A future up for grabs: Have you taken the Hunting Pledge?

The reality is that decisions on the direction of regulated hunting activities are being increasingly dominated by those with a hands-off approach to conservation. Luckily, we have national organizations like the Sportsmen’s Alliance here to help.

10 Ways To Protect The Future of Hunting & Trapping

10 Ways To Protect The Future of Hunting & Trapping

Here at Furbearer Conservation headquarters, we tend to discuss the politics, legislation, scientific study and other aspects that surround these outdoor pursuits. While this is all good and well, I must admit we haven’t done our due diligence explaining how YOU can help. So here goes our Top Ten Ways you can protect (and promote) the future of hunting and trapping.