
Ever see a Fisher swim? Introducing Trail Cam Tuesdays!

Have you ever seen a Fisher swimming? New trail camera video evidence confirms even non-aquatic species will utilize the path of least resistance when presented the opportunity.

Video: Lynx in Canada take on deer, skidders, and each other this winter!

This week, the lynx is the latest to reap social media tidings as two separate videos released by Hinterland Outdoors demonstrate the animal’s insatiable charisma for viral video stardom.

Beaver attack in Virginia river rehashes talk of “Zombie Beavers”

The Virginia incident is the latest in an over decade-long string of rabid beaver attacks. Being a density-dependent disease, does the influx in beaver/rabies cases highlight a species that is reaching or exceeded natural carrying capacity? Are rabid beavers becoming more prevalent or are we just becoming more aware of rabid beavers?

Nature's Ways: The Coyote & The Coon

With photo sharing and trail cameras expanding rapidly amongst society, we are able to capture, document, and share amazing findings almost instantly. With the amazing, also comes the macabre. As is the situation with the discovery of a raccoon and coyote discovered in the forests of West Virginia this week.