
Colorado is the latest state to declare Canine Distemper issues in raccoons

Colorado has become the latest state with noticeable reports of Canine Distemper in the local raccoon population. Colorado officials have confirmed the presence of canine distemper in raccoons - the most recent of which in Weld County.

NH officials seeking tourist who handled rabid raccoons

NH seeking Mass. man who handled rabid raccoon. New Hampshire officials are seeking the public’s help with tracking down a Massachusetts man who handled raccoons on a busy roadway in New Hampshire’s north country.

Chicago's raccoon distemper woes (We built the cities... Part Deux)

City officials in the Riverside neighborhood of Chicago have announced warnings of distemper outbreak in the area’s raccoon population - and the hazards posed to residents, as well as non-vaccinated pets.

We built the cities, but we don't necessarily rule them.

I’ve always been personally fascinated with the adaptability of fur bearers such as skunks and raccoons. In the aftermath of the raccoon’s “great migration” to man’s urban meccas, it’s almost hard to believe they ever inhabited the wildernesses of rural America at all - man was once a rural beast as well.

Raccoon raids DC bald eagle's nest live on Eagle Cam.

Video: An “Eagle Cam” overlooking a bald eagle nest in Southwest Washington DC records as a raccoon raids the nest and consumes eggs.