Mephitis mephitis

That Smell: The 5 species of skunks you didn't know existed!

Although closely related to polecats and other members of the weasel family, skunks have recently been re-categorized into their own niche subfamily in the world of North and South American mammals. Those descendants have since evolved into 12 species, most of which may be a common visitor in your backyard depending on where you live.

Of Pools and Private Wells: Young skunks are on the move this summer

Now that breeding and birthing seasons have passed, youngsters are on the move learning to forage independently. The curiosity factor is at peak to say the least with those infamous little stripped stinkers.

Love, musk is in the air for New England furbearers!

More than a “Halmark Holiday”? Even after Valentine’s Day has come and gone for folks in the Northeast, its safe to say romance, and in this case, gland secretions, still linger in the air for many of the region’s wildlife populations.