
Coyotes, rats, others, adapt amid human isolation trends in urban areas

How are abundant and urbanized wildlife adapting to shifts in human presence? Some species feel the strain while others thrive.

Recent coyote conflict highlights coexistence conundrum with charismatic canines

This dichotomy of differing levels with regard for the coyote further polarizes the debate. There’s a lot of people who truly love coyotes, and a lot of people who truly hate ‘em. This makes for quite the balancing act for impartial wildlife professionals when the topics of management, regulated cull, and public safety-driven pest control begin to swirl in the same social cauldron.

Rash of fox attacks in Maine prompts trapping program

There have been more than half a dozen fox attacks in the area in just six months, with one unfortunate Bath resident being attacked on two separate occasions. The rash of fox attacks in the mid-coast of Maine has prompted formal action from at least one town, according to reports.

Coyote and badger "cahoots" a concept of commensal hunting?

Amid the controversy of half-time Super Bowl dazzle and speech-tearing political pandering plaguing the ‘net this week, an unlikely pair of furbearers are the most recent internet celebrities thanks to their upbeat behest to accompany each other on a suburban hunt for a meal.

Colorado is the latest state to declare Canine Distemper issues in raccoons

Colorado has become the latest state with noticeable reports of Canine Distemper in the local raccoon population. Colorado officials have confirmed the presence of canine distemper in raccoons - the most recent of which in Weld County.