
Popularity Contest: MA hunting contest ban is latest “societal” quagmire

Despite the immense benefits regulated hunting promotes, concern over protections for the natural world become more polarized as society drifts farther and farther away from these subsistence activities. This includes any perceived “perversion” of natural resources - backing both the greater hunting community and wildlife management professionals into a corner with regard to what should or should not be tolerated.

War on coyote management wages on in New England politics

The knee-jerk cliché “they were here first” argument may very well be a valid one, but it detracts from the core issue; how do we continue to live among what has become, for lack of a better term, an evolutionary unprecedented apex predator?

MA officials move bears found living in highway median strip

MassWildlife officals discover a bear family overwintering in a wooded section of a busy highway median in Massachusetts.