
Governor’s turkey hunt highlights New Hampshire’s rural culture

Word on the street says that hunting is on a national downward trend. That “word” clearly hasn’t reached the hillside haunts of New Hampshire, as thousands of Granite State hunters and trappers still take to the woods each spring and fall to take part in the outdoor pastimes that have been integral to rural New England life.

New Hampshire lawmakers seek protections for coyotes

House Bill 442 would place a closed section on the current “year-round” coyote hunting season. The bill seeks to close hunting of coyotes from April 1 through August 31, to coincide with what the bill states are “pup rearing” months. The bill comes at a time when the topic of predator management is immensely polarized across much of North America.

USDA, state agencies, bite back at rabies in Northeast

USDA, state agencies, bite back at rabies in Northeast

With the assistance of state agencies, licensed trappers, and vigilant citizens, USDA’s professional wildlife managers seek to drive raccoon rabies to the Atlantic Ocean.