outdoor blogger

Sustainable use: Five Years of Furbearer Conservation!

And just like that, five years have come and gone. We’ve dissected misconceptions around predator management, pointed to important aspects of wildlife conservation funding, exemplified the leaps and bounds the broader trapping community continues to improve upon, and even made room to reference the current trends of mitigating the needs of people with the needs of wildlife.

Chicago's raccoon distemper woes (We built the cities... Part Deux)

City officials in the Riverside neighborhood of Chicago have announced warnings of distemper outbreak in the area’s raccoon population - and the hazards posed to residents, as well as non-vaccinated pets.

We built the cities, but we don't necessarily rule them.

I’ve always been personally fascinated with the adaptability of fur bearers such as skunks and raccoons. In the aftermath of the raccoon’s “great migration” to man’s urban meccas, it’s almost hard to believe they ever inhabited the wildernesses of rural America at all - man was once a rural beast as well.