New Hampshire

NH officials seeking tourist who handled rabid raccoons

NH seeking Mass. man who handled rabid raccoon. New Hampshire officials are seeking the public’s help with tracking down a Massachusetts man who handled raccoons on a busy roadway in New Hampshire’s north country.

Bidding farewell to New Hampshire's renowned "Skinner"

When it came to the embodiment of the rural New England yankee persona - ol’ Harris Ilsley, of Weare, New Hampshire, was pure quill. Given that he rarely ventured far from the family property, Harris managed many accomplishments around his fur handling and local lore.

NH Fish & Game: Tied to the Whipping Post

With the greater hunting & fishing community leading the “financial charge” to manage and conserve wildlife for all stakeholders, the selfish perpetuation of moral superiority seems to be the driving force for local activists - shaking their fists at the hunting community and real wildlife professionals while damning the human race for ever setting foot off the designated hiking trails.

They’re carnivores: Bobcat removed from atop New Hampshire Burger King restaurant

As the lines between wildlife and human settlement continue to meld, it appears even New England’s mesocarnivores have become complacent with their meal choices. Police in Stratham, New Hampshire reported via Facebook about the odd call and subsequent removal of a bobcat from a local Burger King rooftop.

Furbearer Conservation pays homage to our Independence Day

July marks the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, which declared the 13 American colonies free and independent from British rule. The 4th of July also marks a time to reflect on our American heritage as well as New England’s rural culture - which includes activities like hunting, trapping, and immersing oneself in all that our forested hills and valleys have to offer the mortal soul.